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Mission Statement

Our Mission

The Country Church has a fourfold mission statement. When we understand our purpose, it allows all that we do to line up with our reasons for being here.


Exalt the Savior – The Lord Jesus is to have first place in all that we do. All the praise and honor and glory for what has, is and will be done is to go to Him. As believers, we want to be caught up in all that He is. Philippians 3:7-10


Evangelize Those Outside of Christ – While many have a religion, it is God’s desire that we have a personal relationship with His only Son, the Lord Jesus. People need to know they might have this saving relationship. This is the Good News of the Gospel which we preach. Romans 10:9-13


Equip the Saints for Ministry – Jesus said, “Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.” We understand Christ’s Commission to mean, if we are not fishing, we are not following. The Lord does not want us to be only hearers of the Word, but doers also. So it is that we seek to disciple. Matthew 28:19-20


Edify the Household of Faith – It is our desire to build up the body. To encourage in the Word, work, and will of our Lord. We pray that The Country Church will be the family that prays together, stays together, and lifts each other up. John 13:34-35


Our Goal

Our goal is simply to seek to reach our world for Christ. We are to be passionate rather than passive, militant rather than mundane, fervent rather than flippant, and faithful rather than fancy. As you have read this, please pray for us that the Lord would choose the simple to confound the wise. I Corinthians 1:27-31



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The Country Church Meeting Location: 1005 W. FM 78 Marion, Texas 78124  | Sitemap  |  Contact Us
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